Friday, May 22, 2009

basic search engine optimization

Basic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tips – Both on and off-page optimization
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Optimization of your web page:
Most of the SEO providers will start their SEO process with on-page optimization.
Here, the most important thing is choosing a set of key words to optimize your web page. There are a number of free tools available on the Internet that can help you find a keyword that is popular but not overly competitive.
While doing on-page optimization you need to remember the following key points.
One: Do not optimize for a single keyword, optimize for a keyword phrase.
Because, when you optimize for a single keyword, more often than not, that word is highly competitive and your chances of coming out on top are minimal. Where you gain, a significant advantage is by focusing on a keyword phrase. This actually increases your chances of ranking well and ultimately helps you towards ranking well for the single word you originally chose.
Place your keyword phrase within the first 25 words of text, and the last 25 words of the page. The h1 tag can be used for developing a headline on your page and emphasizing your keyword phrase within the beginning of your page text (search engines love h1 tags). Another suggestion is to use your keyword phrase just after your copyright notice on the bottom of your webpage. This ensures that it is present within the last 25 words of your page.
Place your keyword phrase in your page title and description. Additionally, place the keyword phrase throughout your page - being sure to bold the phrase once, italicize the phrase once, and underline the phrase once. Mention your keyword phrase every paragraph or so. Just make sure that it appears natural. If you stuff the page with your keywords, you will potentially turn off browsers who would otherwise find your page valuable.
Off-page Optimization
Off-page optimization is important to increase your link popularity.
Get other sites to link to you. There are a number of ways to improve link popularity. Although I will not recommend a specific link-building tool, I will say that there have been a number of good products developed that simplify the process. It still takes time and hard work, but over time, increasing the number of sites linking to your website can pay huge dividends.
Make sure that incoming links are of high quality (sites with a high Google page rank). It is not only important to have other sites link to you, it is also important to have quality sites link to you.
Anchor text must include your keyword phrase. When other sites link to you, make sure the link includes your keyword phrase. Sites that link to your domain can help with overall page rank and popularity, but websites who link to you using your keyword phrase (in the anchor text) are what get you to the top of search engine result lists.
Give peoples a reason to link to your website. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, white papers, free content or tools, etc., but ultimately it comes down to offering something of value. If you do, other websites will give you their "vote", increasing your link popularity and your search engine results

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

search engine optimization

SEO Basics

Search Engine Optimization Made Easy

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the art and science of publishing and marketing information that ranks well for valuable keywords in search engines like Google, Yahoo! Search, and Microsoft Live Search.

Link building

On page optimization
Keyword research
Virtual marketing
Market research
Site structure
Keeping up to date

LINK BUILDING: Link Building

Search engines view links at votes, with some votes counting more than others. To get high quality links (that help your site rank better) you need to participate in the social aspects of your community and give away valuable unique content that people talk about and share with others. The below Google TouchGraph image shows a small graphic representation of sites in the search field that are related to based on linking patterns.

In this post Matt Cutts suggested that Google is getting better at understanding link quality. Search engines want to count quality editorial votes as links that help influence their relevancy algorithms.

Link building tips

• try to link to your most relevant page when getting links (don't point all the links at your home page)
• mix your anchor text
• use Yahoo! Site Explorer and other tools to analyze top competing backlinks
• don't be afraid to link out to relevant high quality resources

Link building strategies

• submit your site to general directories like DMOZ, the Yahoo! Directory, and
• submit your site to relevant niche directories
• here is more background on directories and SEO
• if you have a local site submit to relevant local sites (like the local chamber of commerce)
• join trade organizations
• get links from industry hub sites
• create content people would want to link at

On Page Optimization

It is hard to rank for keywords that do not appear in your page content, so each page should be organized around the goal of ranking for a specific keyword phrase, with some related phrases and related keywords mixed into the page copy.

Unique descriptive page titles play a crucial role in a successful search engine optimization campaigns. Page titles appear in the search results, and many people link to pages using the page title as their link anchor text.

If possible create hand crafted meta description tags which compliment the page title by reinforcing your offer. If the relevant keywords for a page have multiple formats it may make sense to help focus the meta description on versions you did not use in the page title.

As far as page content goes, make sure you write for humans, and use heading tags to help break up the content into logical sections which will improve the scanability and help structure the document. When possible, make sure your page content uses descriptive modifiers as well.

Each page also needs to be sufficiently unique from other pages on your site. Do not let search engines index printer friendly versions of your content, or other pages where content is duplicate or nearly duplicate

Keyword Research

What keywords are people searching for?

Use the SEO Book Keyword research tool to search for popular and Long Tail keywords related to your industry. This tool cross references the Google Keyword Tool, Wordtracker, and other popular keyword research tools. Notice how our keyword tool provides daily search estimates and cross references other useful keyword research tools.

Keyword research tools are better at providing a qualitative measure than a quantitative measure, so don't be surprised if actual traffic volumes vary greatly from the numbers suggested by these tools. When in doubt you can also set up a Google AdWords account to test the potential size of a market.

In addition to looking up search volumes for what keywords you think are important also take the time to ask past customers how they found you, why they chose you, and what issues were important to them in chosing you.

You can also get keyword ideas by doing things like
• checking your web analytics or server logs
• looking at page contents of competing websites
• looking through topical forums and community sites to see what issues people frequently discuss
Market Research

Do you have what it takes to compete in a market?

The first step is to search the major search engines to see what types of websites are ranking for words which you deem to be important. For example, if mostly colleges, media, and government institutions are ranking for your most important terms it may be difficult to rank for those types of queries. If, on the other hand, the market is dominated by fairly average websites which are not strongly established brands it may be a market worth persuing.

You can extend out the research you get from the search results by using the SEO for Firefox extension with the Firefox browser. This places many marketing data points right in the search results, and thus lets you see things like
• site age
• Google PageRank
• inbound link count
• if any governmental or educational sites link at their site
• if they are listed in major directories
• if bloggers link at their sites
Viral Marketing

Link building is probably the single hardest and most time consuming part of an effective SEO campaign, largely because it requires influencing other people. But links are nothing but a remark or citation. Seth Godin's Purple Cow is a great book about being remarkable.

The beautiful thing about viral marketing is that creating one popular compelling idea can lead to thousands of free quality links. If your competitor is building one link at a time and you have thousands of people spreading your ideas for you for free then you are typically going to end up ranking better.

In SEO many people create content based around linking opportunities. Many of us refer to this as Link Baiting. You can learn link baiting tips from

tool set

The Toolset
Google have provided a useful toolset to help diagnose site problems, and give you insights into how to perform better in Google's index.
Site Maps
Webmasters should submit a Google Sitemap to ensure their site is crawled.
Whilst not necessary, as Google should be able to crawl your site via links, it's a good idea to have the sitemap in case there are problems during the regular crawl. To create a Google sitemap, you can use Google's generator script. There are also various third party tools to help you do this.
Also see "Subscriber Stats" below.
Crawler Access
You can use this tool to test your robots.txt file. Check out this article about why you might use a Robots.txt. You can also use this tool to generate a robots.txt file, based on drop down options.
You can also use this tool to remove a URL from Google. Careful with that one ;)
Site Links
You can specify which site links you want to show. Sitelinks are the indented links below a listing in the search engine result pages.
Sitelinks look like this:

It's a good idea to specify pages that users will find most useful, and that display a consistent theme for your site. You can also block irrelevant pages from appearing in the site links using this tool.
If your site targets a specific country, you can specify this information. This is very useful if you have a .com, but target visitors in a country outside the US. The tool makes no difference if you already have a country specific TLD, however.
The preferred domain setting enables you to specify which URL you want crawled, the non-www version, or the www version.
Why would you do this? and can be seen by crawlers as being two different domains. This can sometimes lead to duplicate content issues. So it's a good idea to pick one or the other, and specify it in Google tools.
The crawl rate setting allows you to slow down the search spiders crawl rate if you're having problems with the spider gobbling to many of your server resources. By default, Google sets the crawl rate for all sites.
Top Search Queries
Find out which keywords you rank for, which keywords send you the most traffic, and which results users clicked through on. If you rank for a lot of keyword terms, but aren't getting much click through, you might want to review the wording of your title tags.
You can also sort this data by device, such as mobile. You can find out which Google country domains send you the most traffic, as well as sorting by image search, and you can specify a date range.
Links To Your Site
You can find out which sites are linking to you, and what anchor text they're using. You can also download this data in the form of spreadsheets.
Find out the most common keywords found on your site.
Are these words consistent with the theme of your site? If not, you need to balance out the content by adding more on-topic pages.
Internal Links
Shows which pages are most heavily linked internally, and from where. You can also see if pages are linked from non-www or www "domains". Aim to get internal linking consistent i.e. from either non-www or www but not both, and make sure your money pages are well linked.
Subscriber Stats
Find out how many people subscribe to your RSS feed via Google Reader. You can also submit a feed as a sitemap.
Crawl Errors
This useful diagnostic tool will show you which pages Google is having problems crawling. There is a breakdown by web, mobile, and mobile WML.
Crawl Stats
Use this tool to find out how many pages are crawled per day, and the time spent downloading those pages. This can reveal problems such as slow servers and page load errors.
Crawl stats also give you a PageRank distribution chart. However, like the toolbar, take this data with a grain of salt. I've found it bears little relationship to site ranking, and the real PR of pages is only known by Google.
HTML Suggestions
Use this tool to find duplicate and missing title and descriptions tags.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

seo marketingt

Marketing (SEO, Internet PPC, SEM)
"Today, roughly one in every two purchases is preceded by an online search. " DoubleClick, "Search before purchase", February 2005
Search Engine Optimisation is the process to make a web site highly visible on a SERP (search engine results page). When a web site is optimized for the search engines properly it will receive a higher ranking, increased traffic and better conversions to sales from the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN and others at no additional cost per visitor.
We utilize proven Search Engine Optimisation techniques and our web site optimisation services get you fast first page placement once the web site marketing process begins. Our search engine optimisation marketing plans include industry research for your unique market and selection of targeted keywords and keyphrases specific to your web site's target audience.
"Ecom-Ireland has surpassed our best expectations. Already, traffic figures to our site are up significantly and feedback from customers is excellent." Kathrina Cahill, Director,
Ecom's SEO marketing fees are mostly performance based. Therefore, it is in our best interest to ensure top listing of your website
Pay-per-click or PPC campaigns allow our customers to gain top listing very quickly and effectively. In a competitive environment your business needs all the advantages it can have. Let Ecom Ireland create and manage your next PPC campaign and benefit from increase in traffic and conversions from your website.
Web Accessibility Compliance
Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can use the Web. More specifically, Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the Web, and that they can contribute to the Web.
In addition to helping people with diabilities understand your website, Web Accessibility also enforces good coding practise when building your website. These codes are not only the future standards, they alo ensure that the website will be compatible with a maximum number of users regardless of hardware or software differences. In turn, search engines are more likely to index (catalogue) your website thus increasing your ranking and listings with them. An effective method for Marketing your website online.
Web accessibility also benefits others, including older people with changing abilities due to aging. Web accessibility encompasses all disabilities that affect access to the Web, including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, and neurological disabilities. W3C - Web Accessibility Initiative

Friday, May 15, 2009

Off-Page Factors ON Doing SEO
SEO, or "Search engine optimization" is a method used by experts to improve a website's search engine ranking, with the objective of having it in the search results' "top 10" or at the very least, having it in the first three pages of "search results".
Off-page SEO PERTAINS to all the influencing factors that determine your website traffic levels and ranking which are not inside the website; they are principally links that comes in your website from other websites referred to as "link popularity"
Link popularity is a key factor utilized by the famous search engines in ranking websites. In order for SEO, to be useful, it NEEDS to provide valuable, authentic and educational website content as well as information at the same time maximizing "Off-Page" factors in securing good ranking in search engine positions.
Almost all search engines put a great deal of significance in a website's "link popularity". They utilize the amount of incoming and outgoing links to websites to establish the relevance of a website for specific keywords or key phrases. Take note that incoming links prove to be more significant compared to outgoing links.
Google, one of the top search engines, makes USE of its "Pager Rank" or "PR" as their means in measuring the "link popularly" of a certain website. When you installed the "Google toolbar", you easily can view a web's PR. A PR of a website is read from 0 to ten, ten being the highest. When you see a grey "PR" bar, it signifies that, that particular website have either not yet been indexed or was dropped or have been banned.
Acquiring quality links coming from good or reputable websites can be a difficult task. A reputable website only will agree to link to your website when you can offer them certain benefits.
Reciprocal Linking and how to go about it:
Reciprocal linking in simple TERMS means exchanging links so to enhance link popularity. This often entails sending e-mail letters to certain webmasters of your choice that you find has complementary and relevant content. Write a polite, personalized and good e-mail letter to the "webmaster" that you want to "exchange links" with. Here are some guidelines:
1. Download THE Alexa (http://www.alexa.comand) and Google tool bars. Google "tool bar" will permit you to view the "PR" of other websites, so that you are aware which sites have great traffic and link with them. The Alexa "tool bar" supplies you with estimates of the website's traffic as well as the sites that are being linked to it.
2. Visit particular websites that you want to "exchange links" with in order that you will know what that particular website is all about.
3. Send EMAIL letters to websites which you want to be linked with. In your letter, mention important things regarding your website and explain the benefits of having a "link exchange" for both your sites as well as both your visitors. Place a "link" to the website and inform the webmaster as to where he can find the link. Likewise, furnish the key phrase or keywords that you need to be "linked".
4. Broadcast YOUR willingness to "exchange links" in your website. You may use a "reciprocal linking" link or "link to us" as well as a "web-form" for possible "link partners" to enter their details.
best tips about seo
Here are a few tips on IMPROVING content for a much more improved result in organic searches:
1. Expertise. follow your strengths. Sites you set up must be on subject you consider yourself an expert on. People can smell an amateur a mile away.
2. Plan the site. A good LAYOUT for the site can improve usability. This in turn will not unnecessarily aggravate the browser.
3. Research. check out the competition and see what they have set up. See what works and what does not. If possible try to communicate with users in forums and get feedback on what should or can be improved further.
4. Decide ON important keywords. Decide on the most important keywords to use for your sight. Include these keywords in the metatags, copy page, page title, and file names.
5. The search Engine is your friend. Make friends with your search engine and don't give it a hard time. Being nice and friendly to it will make its job easier to serve your site up to your target audience.
6. Focus. Focus on the topic AT hand and nothing else. The rule is one topic per page.
7. Join the directories. Directories are repositories of knowledge done by human hands while search engine are huge databases collected by mostly machine methods. The relevancy of your page when joining the right directory may shoot through the roof. Of course, make sure you know what you are talking about.
8. Start a linking campaign. A MOST effective SEO method. This is a must to do. Ask your allies, strategic partners, friends and acquaintances to place your site's URL link on their sites. With a short description this can draw traffic from other sites and increase exposure. Google especially ranks the importance of its sites by the number of sites linked to it.
9. Repetition is the key to victory. Keep repeating the above tips, supporting and increasing what works and killing what does not as fast as possible until the desired result is achieved.
In the world of search engine OPTIMIZATION, content matters a lot. If a site has amateur or worse falsified information, fewer and fewer browsers will want to visit it. They will even spread bad news faster than good news so expect a garbage site to be ignored even in a week's time.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Seo Tools Similar Page Checker
Search Engines are known to penalize websites that contain Duplicate / Similar content. Your content could be similar to other websites on the Internet, or pages from within your own website could be similar to each other. This tool allows you to determine the percentage of similarity between two pages

Search Engine Spider Simulator
This tool Simulates a Search Engine by displaying the contents of a webpage exactly how a Search Engine would see it. It also displays the hyperlinks that will be followed (crawled) by a Search Engine when it visits the specified webpage.

Backlink Anchor Text Analysis
It is not enough just to have a lot of backlinks, it is the Quality of backlinks along with the Quantity that help you rank better in Search Engines. This tools help you determine the backlinks of your website and the link text used by your backlinks to Link to your wesbite.

Backlink Builder
This tools help you build a LOT of quality backlinks, it searches for websites of the theme you specify that contain keyphrases like "Add link", "Add site", "Add URL", "Add URL", "Submit URL" etc. Most of the results could be potential backlinks. Text links are important for ranking well in search engines.

Backlink Summary
This tool will give you get a summary of your competitors backlinks.

Keyword Density Checker
Keyword Density is the percentage of occurrence of your keywords to the text in the rest of your webpage. This tool will crawl the specified URL, extract text as a search engine would, remove common stop words and Analyze the density of the keywords.

Redirect Check
It is very import that when a search engine comes to crawl your website it is able to follow any redirects you have set up. This tools help you determine if the redirect you have created is Search Engine Friendly.

Kontera Ads Preview
Allows you to preview Kontera ads on your website.

Link Price Calculator
This tools will help you determine the appropriate amount you should be paying (or charging) per month for a text link (ad) from each and every page of the specified website.

Reciprocal Link Check
This tool helps you ensure that your link partners are linking back to your website. It also determines the anchor text used by your link partners to link to your website.

Check Yahoo WebRank
This tool help you evaluate the importance of a URL as perceived by Yahoo and Google. Its one of our Yahoo seo tools

Domain Stats Tool
This tool helps you get all kinds of statistics of your competitor's domains. The statistics include Yahoo WebRank, Pages Indexed by various Searcb Engines, Backlink count, Alexa Taffic Rank, and Age of the domains.

Domain Age Tool
This tools displays the approximate age of a website on the Internet and allows you to view how the website looked when it first started. It also helps you find out the age of your competitor's domains, older domains may get a slight edge in Search Engine Rankings.

Keyword Playground
Users enter keyphrases in Search Engines to get information they need, It is VERY important that you optimize for such keyphrases. This tools help you determine key phrases and report on its monthly search estimate.

Website Keyword Suggestions
This tools tries to determine the theme of your website and provides keyword suggestions along with keyword traffic estimates.

URL Rewriting Tool
This tool helps you convert dynamic URLs into static looking html URLs.

Keyword-Rich Domain Suggestion Tool
Having a KEYWORD-RICH domain name is an important factor of Search Engine Optimization. This tools will suggest keyword rich domain names.

Website to Country
Many people wonder why their websites dont rank well in Country specific Search Engines, most of the Search Engines determines country of the website based on the physical location of the website's IP Address. You would probably rank well in a Country Specific Search Engine if your website is hosted in the same country. This tools helps determine the Country in which the specified website is Hosted.

Alexa Ranking Tool
This tools allows you to get the Alexa Traffic Rankings of you and your competitors.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Control Search Engines

Control which content is seen by search engines. You can disable them from viewing and indexing certain areas of your forum and prevent them from spidering into your admin directory. Also control some of the functions they have access to on the forum.

Control how URL redirects are handled, how search engines follow those redirects, and what is redirected.

Meta tags are an important aspect of Search Engines and Search Engine Optimization. Control your meta tags. Control what goes into them. Control which meta tags are displayed. Meta tags are a great way for bots to find and index your site. They also help your site get ranked for certain keywords.
Control Search Engines

Control which content is seen by search engines. You can disable them from viewing and indexing certain areas of your forum and prevent them from spidering into your admin directory. Also control some of the functions they have access to on the forum.

Control how URL redirects are handled, how search engines follow those redirects, and what is redirected.

Meta tags are an important aspect of Search Engines and Search Engine Optimization. Control your meta tags. Control what goes into them. Control which meta tags are displayed. Meta tags are a great way for bots to find and index your site. They also help your site get ranked for certain keywords.
Using the SEOToolSetTM methodology, SEO improves the quality, quantity, clarity and value of the content on your website. SEO makes a site more relevant and makes this relevant information clear and easily accessible to the search engines. This makes it easier for search engines to include your website when they select the most worthy sites based upon their own, proprietary relevancy factors for rankings.

For companies looking to conduct business online, generate leads and/or establish an online presence, search engine optimization is paramount. SEO is the perfect way to drive qualified customers directly to a website via search engines and directories. Being listed in most organic search engine results is considered free, making search engine listings a highly affordable forum for effective branding and marketing. For smaller businesses with limited marketing budgets, SEO is a cost-effective alternative to high-priced offline advertising such as print ads and billboards. For larger companies, SEO is becoming increasingly important as customers use search engines to shop online, find product information and learn more about organizations.
Search engine optimization (SEO) may best be described as the art and science of optimizing your website hosting, design, content and promotion, with the goal of increasing the number of visitors to your site by placing higher on search engines